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KI..... Iso-Britannia postinumerot

Luettelo kaupungeista alkaa KI. Iso-Britannia postinumerot (Mobiiliversio).
Listatut kaupungit (23 paikka (paikat)). Valitse kaupunki nähdäksesi postinumeron/postinumerot:
Kildrummy (1)
Kincardine O'Neil (1)
Kincraig (1)
Kingsford (2)
Kinharrachie (1)
Kinknockie (1)
Kinmuck (1)
Kinnadie (1)
Kintocher (1)
Kintore (1)
Kiplaw Croft (1)
Kirkney (1)
Kirkton (3)
Kirkton of Bourtie (1)
Kirkton of Culsalmond (1)
Kirkton of Glenbuchat (1)
Kirkton of Logie Buchan (1)
Kirkton of Skene (1)
Kirktown (1)
Kirktown of Alvah (1)
Kirktown of Auchterless (1)
Kirktown of Rayne (1)
Kirktown of Slains (1)