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H..... China Postcodes

List of the cities starting with H. China Postcodes (Mobile version).
Reduce the list, select first 2 letters of the city:
HA (5) HE (22) HO (11) HU (29)
Listing cities (58 place(s)). Select the City to see the postcode(s):
Haidai Township/海岱乡等 (1)
Haidong Township/海东乡等 (1)
Haikou Town/海口镇等 (1)
Haizi Township/海子乡等 (1)
Hanzhuang Township/汉庄乡等 (1)
Hedian Township/禾甸乡等 (1)
Hehua Township/荷花乡等 (1)
Heijing Town/黑井镇等 (1)
Heilinpu Town/黑林铺镇等 (1)
Heizhiguo Township/黑支果乡等 (1)
Hekou Township/河口乡等 (1)
Hekouyao Autonomous County/河口瑶族自治县等 (1)
Helu Township/贺六乡等 (1)
Hepa Township/贺派乡等 (1)
Heping Township/和平乡等 (3)
Heshun Township/和顺乡等 (1)
Hetaoshu Township/核桃树乡等 (1)
Hetou Township/河头乡等 (1)
Hetu Township/河图乡等 (1)
Hewai Township/河外乡等 (1)
Hexi Town/河西镇等 (1)
Hexi Township/河西乡等 (4)
Hong Qi Township/红旗乡等 (1)
Hongdian Township/红甸乡等 (1)
Honghe County/红河县等 (1)
Hongjiang Township/红疆乡等 (1)
Hongqiao Township/红桥乡等 (1)
Hongshan Township/红山乡等 (1)
Hongtupo Township/红土坡乡等 (1)
Hongxi Town/虹溪镇等 (1)
Hongyan Township/红岩乡等 (1)
Houjing Township/后箐乡等 (1)
Housuo Township/后所乡等 (1)
Huajia Township/花甲乡等 (1)
Huale Township/化乐乡等 (1)
Huancheng Township/环城乡等 (3)
Huangcaoling Township/黄草岭乡等 (1)
Huangge Township/黄葛乡等 (1)
Huangguayuan Town/黄瓜园镇等 (1)
Huanghua Township/黄华乡等 (1)
Huangmaoling Township/黄茅岭乡等 (1)
Huangping Township/黄坪乡等 (2)
Huanian Town/化念镇等 (1)
Huanzhou Township/环州乡等 (1)
Huaping County/华坪县等 (1)
Huashan Town/花山镇等 (2)
Huashan Township/花山乡等 (1)
Huatong Township/花同乡等 (1)
Huaxi Township/华溪乡等 (1)
Huguo Township/护国乡等 (1)
Huimin Township/惠民乡等 (1)
Huiyi Town/会仪镇等 (1)
Huize County/会泽县等 (1)
Huodehong Township/火德红乡等 (1)
Huohong Township/火红乡等 (1)
Husa Township/户撒乡等 (1)
Hutiaojiang Township/虎跳江乡等 (1)
Huyu Township/户育乡等 (1)